In Memoriam

On Jan 18, 2023, Manya Brunzema suddenly passed away at the age of 58. She shall be missed.

Manya was a highly educated woman, who studied art history at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany with minors in French philology and folklore. After working for the German Federal Government’s press and information office for two years, Manya married Friedrich Brunzema in 1992 and immigrated to Canada. In 1995, she completed her doctoral thesis on “The St. Luke Altar by Hinrik Borneman and his workshop circle”. Since then, she lived in Toronto, where she worked as a freelance translator and proofreader. She also worked as chief editor at an international German-Canadian newspaper, the Deutsche Rundschau. Manya was a board member of Moll Berzy house, a German-Canadian retirement home. She was an active member of Martin Luther Church in Toronto.

Manya was a devoted mother, wife, and friend. She leaves behind her children Lukas, 26, Anna, 23 and Yannik, 21, her husband Friedrich, her sister-in-law Meta, and her godparents, Elke and Stefan Müller. Her friends and the community will deeply miss her.

It has been more than a year since Manya passed.  Its still not easy.

One Comment

Christa Garber 2023-07-12 Reply

Lieber Friedrich, nun ist es schon ein halbes Jahr her, dass euch und uns Manya verlassen hat. Wie geht es euch allen?
Stefan und ich sind Anfang August für eine ganz kurze Zeit in Toronto und ich würde gerne persönlich von ihr Abschied nehmen. Wo finde ich ihre letzte Ruhestätte?
Falls dir nach einem Besuch zumute ist, lass es mich bitte wissen, wie ich in meinem Brief im Frühjahr gesagt habe, möchte ich den Kontakt zu dir und meinen anderen deutschen Freunden in Toronto weiterführen.
Alles Gute und herzliche Grüße,

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